Hurricane Harvey’s toxic impact deeper than public told

HOUSTON (AP) -- A toxic onslaught from the nation's petrochemical hub was largely overshadowed by the…

The existential case for ditching Alexa and other AI

Alexa's creepy laugh is far from the most worrying thing about her. This is despite the…

Switching gears toward efficient datacenters with photonics

How can we scale-up datacenters in such a way that they can handle more data at…

New foundation promotes soft skills for workers in India

Training workers with soft skills like time and stress management, problem solving, communication and teamwork can…

Scientists study spawning salmon through a riverbed lens

Each year on the United Nations-designated World Water Day, March 22, people around the world consider…

Amount of plastics in the environment set to rise

A leading Heriot-Watt academic has issued a statement on the news that the amount of plastic…

Hurricane Harvey’s toxic impact deeper than public told

A toxic onslaught from the nation's petrochemical hub was largely overshadowed by the record-shattering deluge of…

Researchers discover new accuracies in cancer-fighting, nano drug delivery

A promising discovery for advanced cancer therapy reveals that the efficiency of drug delivery in DNA…

Keeping a healthy perspective on social media

Social media can be a place to keep up with friends, make plans or hear about…

Synthetic carbohydrate wards off pneumococcal infections

More effective vaccines against certain forms of pneumonia and meningitis could soon be available. A team…