Scientists use lasers to recreate 'twisted' superconducting material

Scientists with the University of Chicago and Shanxi University announced they have created a way to…

Global warming kills forests by restricting tree transpiration, shows study

UN International Day of Forests on March 21 is the perfect opportunity to showcase some of…

Using peroxidase-like phosphate hydrate nanosheets for highly sensitive dopamine detection

Marine microorganisms are considered as one of the most active parts in marine ecosystems. Utilizing marine…

30 years of child welfare data collection reveals systemic inequities, racism and harm in Canada

In 2007, the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada (the Caring Society) and…

Report: Climate change worsening, but we have the means to act

Climate change impacts are larger, more rapid and worse than previous estimates, but humanity has the…

PIA25847: Icaria Fossae

           Target: Mars Mission:  2001 Mars Odyssey Instrument:  THEMIS Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU Click here…

Potassium and potatoes: Understanding fertilizer crop interactions

For farmers and researchers, a field is often like a giant chemistry set. The timing and…

New project could revolutionize how we measure racial profiling in police traffic stops

Communities across the country have found evidence that minority motorists are more likely to be pulled…

Astronomers analyze first results from ESO telescopes on the aftermath of DART's asteroid impact

Using ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT), two teams of astronomers have observed the aftermath of the…

Optical switching at record speeds opens door for ultrafast, light-based electronics and computers

Imagine a home computer operating 1 million times faster than the most expensive hardware on the…