Drought risk to England regions after dry February, scientists warn

Parts of England could face drought conditions again without sustained rain in coming weeks. …

Vote to be held on eradicating all Uist estate's deer

A call for a cull in South Uist follows concerns about the spread of Lyme disease…

Children's drawings may help with early detection of giftedness

Potential talents of children with characteristics of giftedness are not always seen in mainstream education. Children’s…

Resistance in tokamak vessel walls can cause disruptive energy loss

Under certain conditions, the fusion devices known as tokamaks can suffer a sudden loss of energy…

Research team uses 6-foot 'test tubes' to study red tide

A potential treatment for Florida’s devastating red tides has taken another step toward widespread deployment after…

Powerful solar eruption on far side of sun impacts Earth

A massive eruption of solar material, known as a coronal mass ejection or CME, was detected…

NASA and Axiom Space Unveil Suit Redesign

NASA and Axiom Space have unveiled the first major spacesuit redesign in four decades. Astronauts are…

A non-native tree species reclaims its prominence after extreme weather

The long-term effects on forests of more extreme climate events, plus other drivers of forest change,…

New review of world water resources provides sustainable management strategies

A recent review study led by The University of Texas at Austin provides an overview of…

Engineers keep an eye on fuel supply of NASA's oldest Mars orbiter

Measuring the fuel supply on Odyssey, a decades-old spacecraft without a fuel gauge, is no easy…