Scientists see fireworks from atoms at ultra-low temperatures

Scientists aren't normally treated to fireworks when they discover something about the universe. But a team…

NASA tracking Atlantic’s Tropical storm Rina

NASA-NOAA's Suomi NPP satellite has been providing forecasters with imagery of Tropical Storm Rina as it…

Waymo rolls out autonomous vans without human drivers

A self-driving car company created by Google is pulling the human backup driver from behind the…

Russia locks up six for Moon flight simulation

Three men and three women were sealed in an artificial spacecraft unit in Moscow on Tuesday…

Researchers identify the yeast genes behind rose and honeyed flavors in beer and wine

A flavor compound called phenylethyl acetate imparts a hint of rose or honey to wherever it's…

Current cattle injections increase the risk of injury, research finds

Research by experts at The University of Nottingham suggests that current injection techniques in UK dairy…

School websites hacked to show pro-Islamic State message

BLOOMFIELD, N.J. (AP) -- Hackers temporarily redirected people looking for hundreds of local school webpages across…

School websites hacked to show pro-Islamic State message

BLOOMFIELD, N.J. (AP) -- Hackers temporarily redirected people looking for hundreds of local school webpages across…

Take charge, wine lovers, and trust your palate

The traditional pairing of wine and food too often misses the mark - leaving people confused…

Bonobos help strangers without being asked

A passer-by drops something and you spring to pick it up. Or maybe you hold the…