New method to promote biofilm formation and increase efficiency of biocatalysis

Birmingham scientists have revealed a new method to increase efficiency in biocatalysis, in a paper published…

New optical switch could lead to ultrafast all-optical signal processing

Engineers at Caltech have developed a switch—one of the most fundamental components of computing—using optical, rather…

New study finds global forest area per capita has decreased by over 60%

Over the past 60 years, the global forest area has declined by 81.7 million hectares, a…

Portugal, France battle big forest fires as mercury soars

Portugal and France on Sunday battled major forest fires as temperatures rose sharply this weekend. …

Year's largest fire burns through dry terrain to destroy California homes

The largest fire in California this year is forcing thousands of people to evacuate as it…

As species recover, some threaten others in more dire shape

Concealed behind trees near Lake Michigan, two scientists remotely manipulated a robotic owl on the forest…

No reported damage in Philippines from Chinese rocket debris

There was no reported damage in a western Philippine region where debris from a rocket that…

New discovery of panda species which may have been Europe's last

Lumbering through the forested wetlands of Bulgaria around six million years ago, a new species of…

Climbing Mont Blanc a tall order as Europe swelters

Rocks the size of fridges have been tumbling from Mont Blanc as summer temperatures soar, scaring…

California not counting methane leaks from idle wells

California claims to know how much climate-warming gas is going into the air from within its…