Researchers develop new model to predict which universities student athletes will commit to

With revenue from college football at an unprecedented $3.4 billion annually, universities across the country invest…

Russian space agency blames satellite loss on programming error

Russia's space agency on Tuesday blamed a failed satellite launch from its new cosmodrome on a…

Russian space agency blames satellite loss on programming error

Russia's space agency on Tuesday blamed a failed satellite launch from its new cosmodrome on a…

Climate commitments at the ‘One Planet Summit’ in Paris

Moving away from using fossil fuels and leaning heavily on businesses to green up their act,…

Climate commitments at the ‘One Planet Summit’ in Paris

Moving away from using fossil fuels and leaning heavily on businesses to green up their act,…

New research improves understanding of ancient landscapes

Geologists use zircon mineral grains to reconstruct what the Earth and its landscapes looked like in…

New research improves understanding of ancient landscapes

Geologists use zircon mineral grains to reconstruct what the Earth and its landscapes looked like in…

Galileo 19-22 replay – part 1

Europe’s 19th, 20th, 21th and 22nd Galileo satellites lifted off from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana…

Galileo 19-22 replay – part 1

Europe’s 19th, 20th, 21th and 22nd Galileo satellites lifted off from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana…

Suomi NPP satellite provides copious information on California’s fires

The Thomas fire, the fifth largest in California's history, continues to creep towards Montecito and Santa…