Asteroid 2017 TF5 flew past Earth at 0.73 LD, 4 days before discovery

A newly discovered asteroid designated 2017 TF5 flew past Earth at 0.73 LD (~280 320 km…

Astronomers discover unusual spindle-like galaxies

Using the CALIFA survey, astronomer Athanasia Tsatsi (Max Planck Institute for Astronomy) and her colleagues studied…

Asteroid 2012 TC4 to flyby Earth at 0.13 LD on October 12

Asteroid 2012 TC4, discovered in 2012 by PanSTARRS-1, will fly past our planet at a very…

Very bright fireball streaks over western France

A very bright fireball streaked across the night sky over western France at 03:36 UTC (05:36…

Major fireball explodes over Shangri-La, China, meteorites very likely

A major fireball was observed and recorded over China around 04:00 UTC on October 4, 2017.…

Night sky guide for October 2017

October 2017 has two meteor showers, one minor - Draconids, on October 8, and one major…

Asteroid 2017 SX17 to flyby Earth at 0.23 LD on October 2

A small asteroid designated 2017 SX17 will flyby Earth at a very close distance of 0.23…

Asteroid 2017 SU17 flew past Earth at 0.72 LD, two days before discovery

A newly discovered asteroid designated 2017 SU17 flew past Earth at 0.72 LD (~ 276 480…

New, bright Kreutz sungrazing comet plunges into Sun

A new, bright Kreutz 'sungrazing' comet was discovered on September 26, 2017. The comet appeared in…

Comet K2 ‘The Record-Breaker’ – farthest active inbound comet ever seen

Hubble Space Telescope has photographed the farthest active inbound comet ever seen, at a whopping distance…