Should you be worried about solar storms?

A storm could also cripple the internet. Most of the digital traffic between continents is carried…

NASA’s FY 2025 budget request is not enough

Project Artemis has cleared two hurdles that felled prior attempts to return humans to the Moon:…

Is the Moon shrinking? | The Planetary Society

Other evidence comes from Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter images that show boulders at the bottom fault scarfs.…

Hidden depths and a cosmic mystery

China has launched a new Moon relay satellite. Missions on the far side of the Moon…

Queqiao-2: China’s bridge for lunar…

How will Queqiao-2 operate? To play its role, Queqiao-2 will be inserted into a specialized 24-hour-period…

The Planetary Society advocacy priorities in…

Five months into the fiscal year under consideration, Congress finally passed a budget for NASA on…

How to find eclipse events in your area

The Eclipse Company One of the most comprehensive resources for finding events in the path of…

Transits are cool, but… | The Planetary Society

The latest Planetary Report is here. The March Equinox issue of our quarterly member magazine is…

Red Rover Goes to Mars, 20 years later

Twenty years ago, NASA’s Opportunity rover landed on Mars. Its twin, Spirit, had reached the surface…

NASA’s FY 2025 Budget | The Planetary Society

The President’s Budget Request for NASA for fiscal year 2025 is $25.4 billion, a modest 2%…