Hurricanes Iselle and Julio Nearing the Hawaiian Islands

In early August 2014, not one but two hurricanes were headed for the Hawaiian Islands. Storms…

Rosetta’s Target Up Close

Close up detail focusing on a smooth region on the ‘base’ of the ‘body’ section of…

Two Years Ago, Curiosity Rover Lands on Mars, Captures Image of Mount Sharp

This image was captured by NASA's Mars rover Curiosity shortly after it landed on the Red…

Underway Recovery Tests for NASA’s Orion Spacecraft

A test version of NASA's Orion spacecraft floats inside the well deck of the U.S.S. Anchorage…

Iberian Peninsula at Night

ISS040-E-081320 (26 July 2014) --- One of the Expedition 40 crew members aboard the International Space…

First Image of the Moon Taken by a U.S. Spacecraft

Ranger 7 took this image, the first picture of the moon by a U.S. spacecraft, on…

Next-Generation Microshutter Array Technology

NASA technologists have hurdled a number of significant challenges in their quest to improve a revolutionary…

Solar Dynamics Observatory Captures Images of Lunar Transit

On July 26, 2014, from 10:57 a.m. to 11:42 a.m. EDT, the moon crossed between NASA’s…

Tethys in Sunlight

Tethys, like many moons in the solar system, keeps one face pointed towards the planet around…

NASA’s Webb Sunshield Stacks Up to Test!

The Sunshield on NASA's James Webb Space Telescope is the largest part of the observatory—five layers…