Acoustic black holes as noise traps in wooden structures

Research is currently being completed at Empa on a world-first in the sound insulation of wooden…

Mapping a country's entire economy to predict—and prepare for—the next supply chain disruption

Researchers at the Complexity Science Hub Vienna (CSH) created a complete representation of Hungary’s economy. They…

Quantum one-way street in topological insulator nanowires

Very thin wires made of a topological insulator could enable highly stable qubits, the building blocks…

New discovery may hold key to fighting deadly infections

Centenary Institute research has revealed new insight into tackling mycobacterial infections which are responsible for chronic…

Snapping a black hole: How the EHT super-telescope works

Powerful enough to spot a golf ball on the moon, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) is…

Scientists enhance X-ray data analysis with artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming every scientific field, from biology to materials science. When it comes…

Smaller female North Atlantic right whales have fewer calves

The declining body size of North Atlantic right whales may have critical consequences for the future…

Urgent need to tackle mental ill-health in the workplace, according to policy brief

The latest policy brief from work and employment think-tank, ReWAGE, argues that there is an urgent…

'Nanobodies' from llamas could yield cell-specific medications for humans

In “proof of concept” experiments with mouse and human cells and tissues, Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers…

For some people, religious leaders might be most effective at communicating the importance of COVID-19 vaccination

Vaccinating a substantial portion of society has been found to be the best way to bring…