Atlantis Tank Connected to Boosters; Discovery in OPF

Preparations are under way in the Vehicle Assembly Building for the November launch of Atlantis on…

Discovery Towed to its Hangar

Space shuttle Discovery was hoisted off of the 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft that brought it from…

Augmented reality to help astronauts make sense of space

Life aboard the International Space Station is hard work. Crewmembers have a multiplicity of complex tasks,…

I-10 Closures Scheduled This Week Near NASA Stennis

The westbound lane of Interstate 10 will be closed from Exit 2 to Exit 13 starting…

NASA Exploration Exhibit to Tour Idaho

America’s plans for opening the space frontier, including new human exploration of Earth's moon and future…

NASA to Reveal New Scientific Findings About the Moon

NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif., will televise a live broadcast of a NASA Headquarters…

NASA Sets Target Date for Ares I-X Rocket’s Test Launch

NASA is targeting Tuesday, Oct. 27, for the flight test of the Ares I-X rocket, pending…

Desert Layover

Space shuttle Discovery is parked within the Mate-Demate Device gantry at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Cener…

ICBMs: the basis for all systems in space

Shuttle’s Ferry Flight Presented Challenging Weather

One of the pilots for Discovery's 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft says today's final leg of the…