Discovery illuminates how Parkinson's disease spreads in the brain

Aggregates of the protein alpha-synuclein spread in the brains of people with Parkinson’s disease through a…

Fish can help in the search for multiple sclerosis drugs

The zebrafish should be known to many aquarium enthusiasts, mainly because of its striking pigmentation. However,…

From the atom to natural killer cell: The story of an unexpected protein structure

The discovery of a peculiar protein structure and the quest to confirm it has led to…

Statistical analysis aims to solve Greek volcano mystery

One of the largest volcanic eruptions in the Holocene epoch—as measured by the volume of material…

JPSS-2 Begins Launch Processing

NASA, NOAA Weather Satellite Begins Launch Processing Click here for original story, JPSS-2 Begins…

NASA, NOAA Weather Satellite Begins Launch Processing

NASA, NOAA Weather Satellite Begins Launch Processing Click here for original story, NASA, NOAA…

Revealing spacecraft geometry effects on impact simulations for NASA's DART mission

NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) spacecraft will crash into asteroid Dimorphos on Sept. 26, executing…

Lack of public appreciation contributes to loneliness in farming, study shows

A lack of public appreciation for farmers, and an understanding of the work they do and…

Discovery explains cancer chemotherapy resistance, offers solution

Researchers have uncovered a novel pathway that explains how cancer cells become resistant to chemotherapies, which…

Fish to help in search for MS drugs

The zebrafish serves as a model organism for researchers around the world: it can be used…