Escaping atmosphere of hydrogen and helium from exoplanet studied with advanced simulations

Researchers from the Yunnan Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and their collaborators reproduced the…

Red Sea may have a nursery for oceanic manta rays

The endangered oceanic manta ray Mobula birostris is an iconic marine creature, and yet surprisingly little…

DNA modification important for silencing of endogenous retroviruses

LMU molecular biologist Gunnar Schotta has investigated which mechanisms prevent endogenous retroviruses from becoming overly active. …

Ukraine conflict may hike long-term grain prices 7%: study

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine may cause long-term grain prices to rise seven percent, according to a…

Temperature contributes most to geographical distribution of two giant honeybees

Anthropogenic climate change has a significant impact on the geographical distribution and phenology of species. Apis…

Who do you think you are? What does your avatar say about you?

When using social virtual reality, people hide behind avatars. But is it really hiding or is…

Texas Students to Hear from NASA Astronauts Aboard Space Station

Houston area students will have an opportunity this week to hear from NASA astronauts aboard the…

A Stormy Stellar Nursery

This cloudy, turbulent scene shows a stellar nursery within the Large Magellanic Cloud known as N159. …

Prions: New possible therapeutic target discovered

Prion diseases, such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (“mad cow disease”), are lethal neurodegenerative infectious diseases that…

Is a biofuel mandate the worst option for cutting transport emissions?

Biofuels—and a broader bioeconomy—are key parts of New Zealand’s recently released first emissions reduction plan, particularly…