Why do so many people believe aliens have visited Earth?

Despite testimony by David Grusch to US Congress about “non-human biologics” and UFO crash sites, there…

Stars have an innate twinkle – and now you can listen to it

Simulations of the rippling that occurs inside stars has made it possible to turn this innate…

We may have finally figured out how galaxy-scale magnetic fields arose

Large-scale magnetic fields that fill up the universe may have grown from tiny magnetic fields that…

Water seen in young planet system shows Earth may have always been wet

The James Webb Space Telescope has spotted water vapour in an area where planets may be…

Stunning photo of a young star hints how Jupiter-like planets form

This mesmerising image of star V960 Mon spitting out gas jets to create arms larger than…

NASA probably discovered quakes on Mars in the 1970s

The Viking 1 and 2 Mars probes looked for evidence of quakes on Mars, but failed…

NASA's asteroid-smashing space debris spotted by Hubble telescope

The Hubble Space Telescope has snapped the results of smashing a spacecraft into the asteroid Dimorphous …

How to spot the 2023 Perseid meteor shower wherever you are

The Perseids are a major meteor shower – here is your guide to spotting them in…

Two-faced star seems to have one hydrogen side and one helium side

A strange star more than 1300 light years away appears to have two sides with completely…

Distant planet may be the first known to share its orbit with another

Exoplanet PDS 70b, a gas giant seven times the mass of Jupiter, appears to share an…