Stretching of the continents drove ancient global warming event, say scientists

Scientists at the University of Southampton have discovered that stretching of the continents is likely to…

Default options facilitate faster carbon offsetting in air travel

The defaults on a carbon offsetting website can cause a large percentage of customers to select…

A newly identified stem cell regulator enables lifelong sperm production

Unlike women, who are born with all the eggs they’ll ever have, men can continue to…

Four ways to understand why Australia is so cold right now despite global warming

It’s an offhand joke a lot of us make—it’s freezing, can we get a bit more…

Hydrology controls lithium isotopes in rivers and seawater

Seawater lithium isotopes (δ7Li) record changes over Earth history, including a ~9‰ increase during the Cenozoic,…

Soil quality key to increasing crop production and resilience to climate change

New research has found that high-quality cropland soils limit losses in response to warmer climates and…

Diagnosing jaundice using tear fluids

Human tear fluids contain many proteins, metabolites, and other molecules whose concentrations change significantly with certain…

Arecibo Observatory Scientists Help Unravel Surprise Asteroid Mystery

Arecibo Observatory Scientists Help Unravel Surprise Asteroid Mystery Click here for original story, Arecibo…

Lunar science stirring on Mount Etna

Image: Lunar science stirring on Mount Etna Click here for original story, Lunar science…

Cancer survivors grew to 18 million in the US; more than two-thirds aged 65 years or older

A new report shows more than 18 million Americans (8.3 million males and 9.7 million females)…