BepiColombo lines up for second Mercury flyby

BepiColombo lines up for second Mercury flyby Click here for original story, BepiColombo lines…

Ariane 5 orbits Malaysian, Indian telecoms payloads

Ariane 5 orbits Malaysian, Indian telecoms payloads Click here for original story, Ariane 5…

Boeing Signs on for Aireon Space-Based ADS-B Data Services

Boeing Signs on for Aireon Space-Based ADS-B Data Services Click here for original story,…

Why can't snakes blink?

Spoiler alert: if you ever find yourself engaged in a staring contest with a snake, you’ll…

Three enduring stories Americans tell about guns to understand the debate over them

The United States has struggled with a spate of horrific mass shootings. As is often the…

What is BPA and why is it in so many plastic products?

Bisphenol A, or BPA, is a chemical widely used to make hard, clear plastics. It is…

Five major planets to line up in rare planetary conjunction

The conjunction will last until Monday and won’t be seen again until 2040. Click…

The contagious capacity of a single drop of saliva analyzed for the first time

A study by the UPV/EHU-University of the Basque Country has established that the two-meter safety distance…

Wearable antimicrobial copper nanomesh sticks to human skin, killing microbes nearly instantly

A team of researchers from the University of Tokyo, the Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and…

Before chickens became food for people, they were regarded as special exotica

There are more chickens than any other species of bird on the planet. With three chickens…