Want to improve the company's performance? Get more women in the boardroom

A recent study out of the Complexity Science Hub Vienna (CSH) found that companies with female…

Why are shallow lakes prone to eutrophication?

Anthropogenic eutrophication of lake ecosystems is a global problem, especially for some large shallow lakes. But…

Topology and machine learning reveal hidden relationship in amorphous silicon

Theoretical scientists have used topological mathematics and machine learning to identify a hidden relationship between nano-scale…

Octopus brain and human brain share the same 'jumping genes'

The octopus is an exceptional organism with an extremely complex brain and cognitive abilities that are…

Inflationary concerns outweigh expected income growth

Consumer sentiment continued its downward trend, falling 14.4% in June, according to the University of Michigan…

Study urges rethink on employee well-being

Deakin University research has revealed managers’ leadership styles could be to blame for their employees’ health…

NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter spots rocket impact site on moon

Astronomers discovered a rocket body heading toward a lunar collision late last year. Impact occurred March…

Examining the two faces of social ties and empathic behavior

Humans have evolved as social animals. From childhood, we are taught the benefits of forging ties…

'Hot' graphene reveals migration of carbon atoms

The migration of carbon atoms on the surface of the nanomaterial graphene was recently measured for…

Small molecule transports iron in mice, human cells to treat some forms of anemia

A natural small molecule derived from a cypress tree can transport iron in live mice and…