Green fireball explodes near the coast of eastern Florida

A bright green fireball streaked through the night sky near the coast of eastern Florida around…

Asteroid 2019 CN5 flew past Earth at 0.31 lunar distances

A newly discovered asteroid flew past Earth at a distance of 0.31 LD / 0.00079 AU…

Van Allen Probes begin final phase of exploration in Earth’s radiation belts

NASA's twin Van Allen Probes, launched in August 2012 and originally designed as a two-year mission,…

Very bright fireball over Venezuela

A very bright fireball streaked through the night sky over Venezuela around 23:20 UTC on Saturday,…

Bright fireball seen and recorded over Colorado

A bright fireball was seen and recorded over Colorado around 01:13 UTC on February 8, 2019…

Sonic boom shatters windows as meteor explodes over Cuba, numerous meteorites found

A relatively big meteor exploded over the town of Vinales in western Cuba at 18:19 UTC…

Night Sky Guide for February 2019

February 2 - Close approach of the Moon and Saturn - 07:05 UTC. The Moon and…

Asteroid 2019 BZ3 flew past Earth at 0.13 lunar distances

A newly discovered asteroid designated 2019 BZ3 flew past Earth at a very close distance of…

Asteroid 2019 BV1 flew past Earth at 0.35 lunar distances

A newly discovered asteroid designated 2019 BV1 flew past Earth at a distance of 0.35 LD…

Meteor recorded as it impacts Moon during total lunar eclipse

A meteor hit the lunar surface on January 21, 2019 at the time millions of people…