Russia blames rocket failure on mistake during assembly

A Russian official says an investigation has found that a failed rocket launch three weeks ago…

Chinese-style ‘digital authoritarianism’ grows globally: study

Governments worldwide are stepping up use of online tools, in many cases inspired by China's model,…

Chinese-style ‘digital authoritarianism’ grows globally: study

Governments worldwide are stepping up use of online tools, in many cases inspired by China's model,…

Advancement of Data Quality Within the Adverse Condition Awareness Tool

Abstract: The Adverse Condition Awareness Tool (ACAT) promotes search capability and discovery of software-related adverse conditions…

Journey ‘Round the Sun: STEREO Science and Spacecraft Performance Results [STUB]

Abstract: The Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO) was originally designed as a two to five year…

Proton Testing of nVidia GTX 1050 GPU, Part 2

Abstract: Single-Event Effects (SEE) testing was conducted on the nVidia GTX 1050 Graphics Processor Unit (GPU);…

Continuous Sub-Kelvin Cooling from an Adiabatic Demagnetization Refrigerator

Abstract: We present the current state of development for a continuous magnetic refrigeration system capable of…

Japan anti-trust authorities to investigate tech giants

Japan's anti-trust authorities will probe whether tech giants such as Google and Amazon are using their…

Japan anti-trust authorities to investigate tech giants

Japan's anti-trust authorities will probe whether tech giants such as Google and Amazon are using their…

Germans vent VW fury in mass ‘dieselgate’ suit

German consumer groups filed Thursday the country's first class-action suit over Volkswagen's emissions cheating scandal, in…