AF2Complex: Researchers leverage deep learning to predict physical interactions of protein complexes

Proteins are the molecular machinery that makes life possible, and researchers have long been interested in…

Study shows simple, computationally-light model can simulate complex brain cell responses

Studying how brain cells respond to signals from their neighbors can aid the understanding of cognition…

Study evaluates deep learning models that decode the functional properties of proteins

Deep learning–based language models, such as BERT, T5, XLNet and GPT, are promising for analyzing speech…

Neural network model helps predict site-specific impacts of earthquakes

In disaster mitigation planning for future large earthquakes, seismic ground motion predictions are a crucial part…

Visualizing spin angular momentum in water waves

Water waves can be used to visualize fundamental concepts, such as spin angular momentum, that arise…

Cellular spring cleaning may keep us youthful and healthy for longer

The built-in process of maintaining the health of our cells by recycling dead or toxic material…

Citizens of countries that become more unequal as their economy grows are less happy, says research

Countries that allow economic inequality to increase as they grow richer make their citizens less happy,…

Texas can get to net zero by 2050 and simultaneously bolster the economy

Texas could eliminate its carbon pollution in fewer than 30 years, and decarbonizing would actually strengthen…

Space Station’s Quest for the Secrets of Fire

Researchers completed a series of experiments on the International Space Station that explored flame behavior without…

Some children with cerebral palsy scoliosis may not need pelvic fixation, study shows

A new study finds that some children with cerebral palsy and scoliosis do not require pelvic…