Business students more likely to have a brain parasite spread by cats

A study of students found that those who have a brain parasite linked to outbursts of…

The scientific guide to stockpiling food for a ‘no deal’ Brexit

In a post-Brexit culinary landscape, lamb with turnips and tinned carrots could be on the menu.…

Our buildings make this heatwave worse – here’s how to cool them down

Many buildings in cool countries are poorly designed to cope with heat, and new homes and…

Parasite fungus sends insects on sex spree by loading them up on drugs

A fungus that infects cicadas seems to pump the insects full of methamphetamine and the active…

New Scientist Live: should we zap our brains to boost our abilities?

At our festival of science this September, Nick Davis will be exploring how we can make…

Self-healing graphene could make robots that fix themselves with water

Adding graphene to a gel makes a 3D-printable substance that dries to be strong and conductive…

Many chimps are active at night but we don’t know what they do

A study of 22 chimpanzee sites has found that they regularly wake up and move around…