Asteroid landing systems given trial by software

On screen, the cratered alien landscape hurtles ever closer – putting asteroid or planetary touchdown techniques…

Asteroid landing systems given trial by software

On screen, the cratered alien landscape hurtles ever closer – putting asteroid or planetary touchdown techniques…

To make model landings

Technology image of the week: 3D-printed models of planetary bodies used for testing guidance and navigation…

To make model landings

Technology image of the week: 3D-printed models of planetary bodies used for testing guidance and navigation…

#AsteroidDay webcast

On 30 June, ESA experts will join scientists, astronauts and (space) rock stars in a 24-hour…

#AsteroidDay webcast

Replay of the live segment from ESA's mission control centre, part of the 30 June global…

Proba-V images Portuguese forest fire

ESA’s Proba-V minisatellite has captured the forest fire raging in central Portugal, revealing blackened scars and…

Proba-V images Portuguese forest fire

ESA’s Proba-V minisatellite has captured the forest fire raging in central Portugal, revealing blackened scars and…

Deep space CubeSat

Technology image of the week: A small spacecraft for a small asteroid – presenting ESA’s M–ARGO…

Deep space CubeSat

Technology image of the week: A small spacecraft for a small asteroid – presenting ESA’s M–ARGO…