Magnetic space tug could target dead satellites

Derelict satellites could in future be grappled and removed from key orbits around Earth with a…

Magnetic space tug could target dead satellites

Derelict satellites could in future be grappled and removed from key orbits around Earth with a…

Rover in a spin

Technology image of the week: ESA’s Rover Autonomy Testbed vehicle does a twirl during night time…

Rover in a spin

Technology image of the week: ESA’s Rover Autonomy Testbed vehicle does a twirl during night time…

Solar power to Mercury

Space Science Image of the Week: BepiColombo’s carrier craft unfolds its solar wings

Solar power to Mercury

Space Science Image of the Week: BepiColombo’s carrier craft unfolds its solar wings

Dark rover

Technology image of the week: Testing a rover in near darkness to simulate exploration of the…

Patently clever

Technology image of the week: ESA’s Director General honours the Agency’s in-house inventors

Patently clever

Technology image of the week: ESA’s Director General honours the Agency’s in-house inventors

New centre introducing ESA projects and space firms to 3D printing

ESA is establishing a new ‘one-stop shop’ covering 3D printing for space in partnership with the…