Baltic swirls

Captured by Sentinel-3A on 23 June 2016, this image shows an algae bloom in the Baltic…

ESA pavilion Farnborough 2016

ESA pavilion Farnborough 2016.

Step to the Stars (2nd trailer)

Medical doctor Beth Healey confides how it feels to face isolation with only twelve other people…

Comet on 3 July 2016 – OSIRIS narrow-angle camera (b)

OSIRIS narrow-angle camera image taken on 3 July 2016, when Rosetta was 11.2 km from the…

CAVES stalagmites

Astronauts on ESA's underground astronaut training course CAVES during their six-night underground expedition, July 2016. ESA’s…

Cavenauts 2016 day 5

Astronauts on ESA's 2016 underground training course CAVES pose for a picture on their fifth day…

Underground lake

Astronauts from five space agencies around the world took part in ESA’s CAVES training course– Cooperative…

Sports & satellites

This summer millions of viewers will be captivated by three of the biggest sports events on…

CAVES 2016: Video log day 6

NASA astronaut Ricky Arnold’s video log of the sixth and last day of the extended exploration…

CAVES 2016: Video log day 5

NASA astronaut Jessica Meir’s video log of the fifth and last full day of the extended…