JWST has seen building blocks of life in a dark, cold cloud in space

The James Webb Space Telescope has observed a frigid cloud of dust and gas where stars…

Amazing JWST images show a nebula shaped by a multi-star smash-up

The stunning filaments and coils of light that make up the Southern Ring nebula were shaped…

Amazing JWST images show a nebula shaped by a multi-star system

The stunning filaments and coils of light that make up the Southern Ring Nebula were shaped…

Up to 79% of planets in the ‘habitable zone’ may not be good for life

Many planets that have the right temperatures for liquid water on their surfaces used to be…

Up to 74% of planets in the ‘habitable zone’ may not be good for life

Many planets that have the right temperatures for liquid water on their surfaces used to be…

Supermassive black hole snacks on the same star once every few years

A black hole almost 900 million light years away consumes part of an orbiting star every…

JWST has taken astonishing images of debris orbiting a nearby star

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has observed a glowing disc of debris left over from planet…

The Milky Way seems to be missing nearly half of its regular matter

Measurements of a blast of radio waves passing through our galaxy have shown that the Milky…

NASA picture is best yet of a permanently shadowed region on the moon

The new ShadowCam instrument has sent its first image back from lunar orbit, showing the inside…

JWST finds that ancient galaxies contain fewer stars than we expected

A group of ancient galaxies examined by the James Webb Space Telescope contain an order of…