ESTEC: a day in the life

A composite day at ESTEC, the European space research and technology centre, as depicted in time-lapse…

Astronaut training: Haptics/Interact – Interact Protocol 1

These  so-called On-Board Training videos are the original videos that ESA’s European Astronaut Centre in Cologne,…

iriss mission docking and ingress

After a two-day flight in space, ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen, commander Sergei Volkov and Aidyn Aimbetov…

SATs 9-10 being attached to the payload dispenser system

First of two Galileo navigation satellites SATs 9-10 being attached to the payload dispenser system, which…

Making space work for you

The European Space Agency’s  ARTES programme for Advanced Research in Telecommunications Systems, helps to create products,…

LISA Pathfinder launch composite at IABG’s space test centre

LISA Pathfinder launch composite at IABG’s space test centre in Ottobrunn, near Munich, Germany, on 1…

LISA Pathfinder launch composite at IABG’s space test centre

LISA Pathfinder launch composite at IABG’s space test centre in Ottobrunn, near Munich, Germany, on 1…

André Schiele and rover

ESA’s head of telerobotics, André Schiele, introduces journalists to the rover that astronaut Andreas Mogensen is…

Soyuz TMA-18M liftoff

ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen, commander Sergei Volkov and Aidyn Aimbetov were launched into space on 2…

Andreas Mogensen talking to gathered friends, family and dignitaries

ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen dressed in his Russian Sokol suit, talking to gathered friends, family and…