Juventae Chasma topography

Colour-coded topography map of Juventae Chasma. White and red show the highest terrains, while blue and…

Juventae Chasma perspective

The largest layered mound in Juventae Chasma is seen here in close-up perspective view. It is…

Juventae Chasma

Intriguing mounds of light-toned layered deposits sit inside Juventae Chasma, surrounded by a bed of soft…

Juventae Chasma context

Juventae Chasma was imaged by the high-resolution stereo camera on ESA’s Mars Express on 4 November…

Juventae Chasma 3D

Data from the nadir channel and one stereo channel of the high-resolution stereo camera on ESA’s…

Inside Gaia’s billion-pixel camera

ESA’s Gaia mission will produce an unprecedented 3D map of our Galaxy by mapping, with exquisite…

Gaia… mapping one billion stars

Gaia is ESA's billion-star surveyor, designed to provide a precise 3D map of our Milky Way…

Multiwavelength solar view

A composite of space- and ground-based observations in different wavelengths gathered on the day of the…

Multiwavelength solar view

A composite of space- and ground-based observations in different wavelengths gathered on the day of the…

Thinning ice

Three years of measurements from CryoSat show that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is estimated to…