Tortuosity Computations of Porous Materials using the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo

Abstract: Low-density carbon fiber preforms, used as thermal protection systems (TPS) materials for planetary entry systems,…

Could the Neolithic Revolution offer evidence of best ways to adapt to climate change?

Human behaviour during the last intense period of global warming might offer an insight into how…

Marine scientists discover kleptopredation—a new way of catching prey

When it comes to feeding time sea slugs are the pirates of the underwater world -…

Growing danger

Technology image of the week: The shard rising from this alien-like terrain presents a clear and…

Growing danger

Technology image of the week: The shard rising from this alien-like terrain presents a clear and…

Law outlawing use of VPNs comes into effect in Russia

MOSCOW (AP) -- A law banning the use of virtual private networks, or VPNs, and other…

Law outlawing use of VPNs comes into effect in Russia

MOSCOW (AP) -- A law banning the use of virtual private networks, or VPNs, and other…

Tin whisker

This may resemble an alien landscape, but it is actually a microscopic view of tin used…

Tin whisker

This may resemble an alien landscape, but it is actually a microscopic view of tin used…

Mummies’ tummies to reveal digestive evolution

Mummified bodies from Egypt and the Canary Islands are having their digestive tracts tested and compared…