Suffolk Wildlife Trust launches Lackford Lakes appeal

Suffolk Wildlife Trust says species including stone curlew will benefit from the purchase.

Florence: Largest asteroid in century to safely fly by Earth

Florence will pass by at a relatively close distance but scientists say there is nothing to…

A new mobile application helps scientists map the sound environment

Anyone who owns an Android smartphone will soon be able to contribute to a research project…

A new method to generate ensemble initial perturbations

The atmosphere is a chaotic system, and even negligible initial errors will give rise to gradual…

How to better track the movement of robots

Pop culture predicts a wide array of robots to aid humans, from the Jetsons' housekeeper, Rosie…

Scientists propose method to improve microgrid stability and reliability

The power it takes to bring a Boeing 747 from a resting state on the airport…

Scientists clear the chatter of buck converters

Buck converters, also known as step down converters, are chatty Cathys. The systems produce less power…

Scientists propose new area of study in energy generation

The growth of humanity is limited by our tools. Each era of human development, from caves…

Not droids: “Star Wars” fighting drones hitting the air

Are these the drones you're looking for? Three "Star Wars" devices are combining drones and online…

Mug shots: facial recognition nabs crooks at China beer fest

Criminals looking for a quiet pint suddenly found themselves collared when cops used facial recognition technology…