Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes

Terrestrial gamma-ray flashes occur above some thunderstorms and propagate out into space. Click…

Hubble’s Exquisite View of a Stellar Nursery In NGC 346

The exquisite sharpness of this 2005 image from NASA/ESA’s Hubble Space Telescope has plucked out an…

Design work on ‘brain’ of world’s largest radio telescope completed

An international group of scientists led by the University of Cambridge has finished designing the 'brain'…

Researchers suggest collapsar accretion disks might be source of heaviest elements

A trio of researchers at Columbia University is suggesting that collapsar accretion disks might be the…

Evolution of magnetic field in the star-forming complex G9.62+0.19 revealed by ALMA

Using the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA), European astronomers have investigated the magnetic field of the…

New clues about how ancient galaxies lit up the universe

NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has revealed that some of the universe's earliest galaxies were brighter than…

Star formation burst in the Milky Way 2–3 million years ago

A team led by researchers of the Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the University of Barcelona…

New Clues About How Ancient Galaxies Lit up the Universe

NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope has revealed that some of the universe’s earliest galaxies were brighter than…

New Clues About How Ancient Galaxies Lit up the Universe

NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has revealed that some of the universe's earliest galaxies were brighter than…

Jets and winds from galaxy cores appear to share a common cause

Astronomers have a rough understanding of how galaxies emit jets from their cores. Galaxy cores also…