Wild bees need deadwood in the forest

How many tree species are there in the forest? How are the trees scattered throughout? How…

Study: Environmental risks exacerbated for vulnerable populations in small towns

A new study of small Iowa towns found that vulnerable populations within those communities face significantly…

Being Anglo-Saxon was a matter of language and culture, not genetics

A new study from archaeologists at University of Sydney and Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, has…

Where did Sierra snow go this spring? Not into California rivers and water supplies

California’s severe drought was made worse this year by a shocking surprise. Click here…

East Antarctic summer cooling trends caused by tropical rainfall clusters

Our planet is warming due to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, but the warming differs from region…

Pandemic air quality due to weather, not just lockdowns

Headlines proclaiming COVID lockdowns drastically reduced pollution were mostly referring to nitrogen dioxide, NO2, a reactive…

The hunt for a primordial force that would revolutionise cosmology

Finding magnetic fields dating back to the big bang would transform our understanding of how the…

Why the big bang may not have been the beginning of the universe

We once thought the big bang was a single moment, but physicists are now settling on…

NASA Helps Map Impact of COVID-19 Lockdowns on Harmful Air Pollution

For tiny airborne-particle pollution, known as PM 2.5, researchers using NASA data found that variability from…

Greater Yellowstone area expected to become warmer, drier

Temperature has significantly increased and snowfall decreased in the iconic Greater Yellowstone Area since 1950 because…