Beyond the Milky Way, a Galactic Wall

Astronomers have discovered a vast assemblage of galaxies hidden behind our own, in the “zone of…

Scrutinizing SpaceX, NASA Overlooked Some Boeing Software Problems

The agency identified the causes of mishaps in orbit during an uncrewed test flight of its…

Two Black Holes Colliding Not Enough? Make It Three

Astronomers claim to have seen a flash from the merger of two black holes within the…

A Black Hole’s Lunch Provides a Treat for Astronomers

Scientists have discovered the heaviest known neutron star, or maybe the lightest known black hole: “Either…

NASA Mars Helicopter Will Be Red Planet's 'Wright Brothers Moment'

As part of its next Mars mission, NASA is sending an experimental helicopter to fly through…

Small Worlds With Lava Oceans Might Have Given Us Meteorites

Researchers propose a new model to explain the formation of most of the meteorites that make…

Summer Solstice 2020 and the Search for Life in the Galaxy

As you mark the longest day of the year, consider the debate among astronomers over whether…

They Want to Sell Balloon Rides 19 Miles Up. Haven’t We Heard This Before?

Seven years ago, entrepreneurs planned trips to the stratosphere, but tourists never got off the ground.…

Seeking Dark Matter, They Detected Another Mystery

Do signals from beneath an Italian mountain herald a revolution in physics? Click here…

China Reports Progress in Ultra-Secure Satellite Transmission

Researchers enlisted quantum physics to send a “secret key” for encrypting and decrypting messages between two…