Researchers use ancient plant leaf wax to reconstruct the history of Taiwan's mountains

When it comes to studying certain geological processes, you can’t get much closer to studying them…

Researchers propose new method to identify label-free microplastics in crop plants

A research team led by Prof. Fan Qiaohui from the Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources…

People watch negative TV to combat life's stress, study suggests

When the day is filled with news of mass shootings, police malfeasance and “me too” courtroom…

Imaging of electronic molecular orbitals of single molecules using field emission microscopy

Research and development of organic electronics such as organic solar cells and organic light-emitting diodes is…

Q&A: Physicist explains how Titan's 'catastrophic implosion' might have happened—and what it meant for those on board

The submersible Titan that had garnered much of the world’s attention for the past week experienced…

Searching for samurai wasps, one of the best preemptive biocontrol agents for destructive brown marmorated stink bugs

Ever get that feeling you’ve lost something really important? Is it in your other pocket? Or…

Research team establishes baseline data on cortisol levels on leopard seals, mysterious apex predators in Antarctica

Leopard seals are prehistoric, reptilian-looking marine predators often portrayed as scary villains in movies such as…

Study of Earth's stratosphere reduces uncertainty in future climate change

New research led by the University of East Anglia (UEA) reduces uncertainty in future climate change…

Study of deep-sea corals reveals ocean currents have not fueled rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide

Pioneering analysis of deep-sea corals has overturned the idea that ocean currents contributed to increasing global…

Study: Temperature is key climatic factor limiting growth of Himalayan silver fir

A previous dendroecological study of fir growth from the northern declivity of Mt. Everest found a…