Feel the attraction of zwitterionic Janus Particles

Researchers have created a more accurate computer simulation of double-faced nanoparticles that form self-assembled structures based…

Obesity significantly increased heart failure risk among women with late menopause

While women who enter menopause before age 45 are known to be at higher risk of…

A 4 V-class metal-free organic lithium-ion battery gets closer to reality

Organic, metal free, high-energy batteries are a pathway to a greener future. Yet scientists have struggled…

Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Geophysical Activity Report and Forecast 12 April 2022

Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Geophysical Activity Report and Forecast 12 April 2022 Click here for…

Deforestation drives climate change that harms remaining forest

Scientists using climate models and satellite data reveal for the first time how protecting tropical forests…

Newly identified cell type could be the key to restoring damaged salivary glands

Scientists have discovered a special type of cell that resides in salivary glands and is likely…

Solution to world’s largest waste stream: Make sand

After water, sand is the most exploited natural resource on the planet. However, its extraction from…

Bioprinting for bone repair improved with genes

Given enough time and energy, the body will heal, but when doctors or engineers intervene, the…

Permanent birth control methods for women have up to six percent failure rates

Hysteroscopic sterilization, a nonincisional procedure, was found to be as effective as minimally invasive laparoscopic sterilization…

Researchers generate high-quality quantum light with modular waveguide device

Researchers have successfully generated strongly nonclassical light using a modular waveguide-based light source. By combining a…