Let me hear your heart beat

What if monitoring your heart rate were as easy as listening to music while you jog?…

Proba-V will put European gallium nitride to its first space test

Proba-V, ESA’s small satellite for global vegetation mapping, will be the first space mission to fly…

Satellite-control software helps the oil and gas industry

A space spin-off company has developed software that uses conventional satnav signals to obtain accurate positioning…

Open wide: dentists get help from space.

Dentists and their patients will soon benefit from a tiny new high-resolution X-ray camera. A Swedish…

Compete and find your way to Jupiter!

The ESA Advanced Concepts Team is celebrating World Space Week (4-10 October 2010) with the release…

Hylas-1 gets green light for spaceport trip

Following extensive testing in India, the Hylas-1 telecommunication satellite has been given the go-ahead for shipping…

ESA emergency telemedicine system soars to commercial success

‘Is there a doctor on the plane?’ Piping this request over aircraft speakers is the traditional…

E-shirt improves physical exercise.

Whether you are a professional athlete or just enjoy physical exercise, instant data on your performance…

Next step for ESA’s first Moon lander

Mission description: land autonomously with pinpoint precision near the Moon’s south pole, a region full of…

Space technology spin-off aids mining.

Dutch company EstrellaSat, supported by ESA business incubation centre, is using space technology to raise the…