There could be entire stars and planets made out of dark matter

Mystery dark matter may not just form halos around galaxies. It could clump together like ordinary…

Weird ice found on Neptune and Uranus has now been made on Earth

Bizarre ice that forms under intense pressure and high temperatures may cause Neptune’s and Uranus’s odd…

Weird ice found on Neptune and Uranus has now been made on Earth

Bizarre ice that forms under intense pressure and high temperatures may cause Neptune’s and Uranus’s odd…

Shrinking black holes avoid paradox by oozing hidden information

As black holes evaporate, they release particles that may carry more information than we thought, so…

Shrinking black holes avoid paradox by oozing hidden information

As black holes evaporate, they release particles that may carry more information than we thought, so…

Dancing galaxies may shake up our ideas of galaxy formation

We thought satellite galaxies were usually in random orbits around larger ones, but a handful in…

Dancing galaxies may shake up our ideas of galaxy formation

We thought satellite galaxies were usually in random orbits around larger ones, but a handful in…

7 things we thought were made by aliens; but weren’t… probably

Unexplained phenomena from Martian canals to genomic patterns have been ascribed to alien intelligence – but…

Interstellar: The bizarre visitor from a far-off solar system

First seen in October 2017, the space rock 'Oumuamua looks like a skyscraper tumbling through space…

Dark matter near black holes sends gamma rays from galaxy’s core

An overabundance of gamma rays come from the centre of our galaxy. Dark matter annihilating near…