A prognostic Alzheimer's disease blood test in the symptom-free stage

Using a blood test, a research team has predicted the risk of Alzheimer’s disease in people…

Guinea baboons grunt with an accent

Vocal learning leads to modification of call structure in a multi-level baboon society. Click…

Gut microbe may promote breast cancers

A microbe found in the colon and commonly associated with the development of colitis and colon…

Manufacturing process of ultra-thin sensor for smart contact lenses

Smart contact lenses could soon become mainstream thanks to a new manufacturing process that has allowed…

Will global warming bring a change in the winds? Dust from the deep sea provides a clue

Climate researchers describe a new method of tracking the ancient history of the westerly winds–a proxy…

Ineffective 'learning styles' theory persists in education

A new review by Swansea University reveals there is widespread belief, around the world, in a…

Identifying strategies to advance research on traumatic brain injury's effect on women

New work reveals gaps in and opportunities for research to improve understanding of the effects of…

Link between dietary fiber and depression partially explained by gut-brain interactions

Fiber is a commonly recommended part of a healthy diet. That’s because it’s good for your…

PIA24358: Out of Round

           Target: Mars Mission:  2001 Mars Odyssey Instrument:  THEMIS Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU Click here…

Newly observed monovalent calcium ion displays unexpected metallicity and ferromagnetism

Calcium ions are present in rocks, bones, shells, biominerals, geological deposits, ocean sediments, and many other…