Taking the yolk from the white: New filter separates trend and cycle in macroeconomic data

In research published in the International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics, Peng Zhou of Cardiff…

How do desert plants respond to variations of nitrogen and water in arid regions?

Groundwater and its nutrients sustain the deep-rooted phreatophytes. However, how phreatophyte seedlings respond to water and…

Researchers reveal negative effects of tributyltin on the reproductive system of seahorses

Seahorses epitomize the exuberance of evolution. They have the unique characteristic of male pregnancy, which includes…

Depth-dependent valence stratification in a lithium-rich layered cathode

A team of scientists from the Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility at the Institute of High Energy…

Don't interrupt: Bonobos are sensitive to joint commitments in social interactions

Bonobos, when abruptly interrupted in a social activity with another bonobo, resume it as soon as…

Seeking answers in ferroelectric patterning

Why do some ferroelectric materials display bubble-shaped patterning, while others display complex, labyrinthine patterns? …

Researchers unveil the origin of Oobleck waves

“Oobleck” is a strange fluid made of equal parts of cornstarch and water. It flows like…

Hawaii's Kilauea volcano erupts: USGS

The Kilauea volcano on Hawaii’s Big Island erupted late Sunday, authorities said, warning of a possible…

Egypt reports bird flu outbreaks in rural area

Local authorities in rural Egypt have declared a state of emergency after detecting two outbreaks of…

Netherlands Radio Amateurs Face Fee Increases

While US radio amateurs face the possibility of a $50 application fee, some countries have been…