High blood pressure in midlife is linked to increased brain damage in later life

Higher than normal blood pressure is linked to more extensive brain damage in the elderly, according…

Powerful cyclone makes landfall in India

A powerful cyclonic storm hurtled into India’s southern coast early Thursday, uprooting trees and packing strong…

Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Geophysical Activity Report and Forecast 25 November 2020

Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Geophysical Activity Report and Forecast 25 November 2020 Click here for…

Effect of odor on helpfulness in rats

Despite their reputation, rats are surprisingly sociable and regularly help each other out. Researchers have shown…

Russian oil giant announces start of vast Arctic project

Russian oil giant Rosneft on Wednesday announced the start of operations for its giant Vostok oil…

Scientists solve the mystery behind an enigmatic organelle, the pyrenoid

Carbon is one of the main building blocks for life on Earth. It’s abundant in our…

Graduate student first to spot asteroid speeding past Earth

For as long as he can remember, Cole Gregg has been interested in space. Last week,…

A hint of new physics in polarized radiation from the early universe

Using Planck data from the cosmic microwave background radiation, an international team of researchers has observed…

Scientists discover potential method to starve the bacteria that cause tuberculosis

The infectious disease Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. While rates…

Ancient blanket made with 11,500 turkey feathers

The ancient inhabitants of the American Southwest used around 11,500 feathers to make a turkey feather…