Biophysics: Geometry supersedes simulations

Physicists have introduced a new method that allows biological pattern-forming systems to be systematically characterized with…

Ribosome assembly: The final trimming step

Ribosomes synthesize all the proteins in cells. Studies mainly done on yeast have revealed much about…

New report projects severe coral bleaching globally in this century

The United Nations recently released a new report projecting future coral reef bleaching globally. …

COVID-19 patients survive in-hospital cardiac arrest at pre-pandemic rates

Resuscitation and survival rates of hospitalized COVID-19 patients who’ve had cardiac arrest are much higher than…

Ice storms in Russia's Far East prompts state of emergency

Freak ice storms following an abnormal weather phenomenon has left 150,000 people without water and electricity…

Satellite to track rising seas as climate warms

An Earth-observation satellite developed by European and US space agencies set to lift off Saturday will…

Field geology at Mars' equator points to ancient megaflood

Floods of unimaginable magnitude once washed through Gale Crater on Mars’ equator around 4 billion years…

Scientists investigate solutions for building cell membrane defense against COVID-19

The cell membrane is the cell’s outermost line of defense against SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus responsible…

Biofriendly protocells pump up blood vessels

An international team comprising researchers from the University of Bristol, and Hunan and Central South Universities…

Climate pledge on home heating 'vanishes' after 'mix-up'

A government promise to ban gas boilers from new homes by 2023 has been withdrawn from…