Experiments with twisted 2-D materials catch electrons behaving collectively

Scientists can have ambitious goals: Curing disease, exploring distant worlds, clean-energy revolutions. In physics and materials…

New climate model helps researchers better predict water needs

New research from the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering combines climate and land use projections to predict…

Study offers global review of impact of COVID-19 on cancer treatment and research

A new report suggests that while COVID-19 has complicated the treatment of cancer patients, it has…

Donors more likely to give to COVID causes when font matches message

Appeals seeking donations to help fight hunger during the COVID-19 pandemic were more successful when the…

Hospitalized COVID-19 patients are younger, healthier than influenza patients, study finds

Patients hospitalized with COVID-19 were more often male, younger, and had fewer underlying medical conditions than…

Experiments with twisted 2D materials catch electrons behaving collectively

A team reports that carefully constructed stacks of graphene — a 2D form of carbon —…

Remote control of blood sugar: Electromagnetic fields treat diabetes in animal models

Researchers may have discovered a safe new way to manage blood sugar non-invasively. Exposing diabetic mice…

Evolution of the Y chromosome in great apes deciphered

New analysis of the DNA sequence of the male-specific Y chromosomes from all living species of…

Boeing Forecasts Challenging Near-Term Aerospace Market with Resilience in Long Term

Boeing Forecasts Challenging Near-Term Aerospace Market with Resilience in Long Term Click here for…

Shark-free COVID-19 vaccine petition makes waves, gains more online support

An online movement to save sharks from becoming the next victims of the COVID-19 pandemic is…