Astronaut Nick Hague ready for second space flight attempt

Astronaut Nick Hague is ready for his next space flight attempt, after the first mission was…

The secret to the best seasonal hot chocolate? It’s all in the chemistry!

Hot chocolate can trace its roots to the bygone days of the Mayan civilisation and Aztec…

Study calls for stricter regulation of elusive rabbit breeding industry

Rabbits are one of the most popular pets in the UK and yet little is known…

The secret life of cloud droplets

Do water droplets cluster inside clouds? Researchers confirm two decades of theory with an airborne imaging…

Fifty years of decline in Queensland’s coastal sharks

Queensland's coastal shark numbers are continuing a 50-year decline, in sharp contradiction of suggestions of 'exploding'…

Large restaurant portions a global problem, study finds

A multi-country study finds that large portion sizes in fast food and full service restaurants is…

New techniques better determine how ancient viral DNA influences human genes

New laboratory techniques can identify which of our genes are influenced by DNA snippets that are…

Where did the hot Neptunes go? A shrinking planet holds the answer

'Where did the hot Neptunes go?' This is the question astronomers have been asking for a…

Septin proteins act as cellular police to identify, imprison and kill ‘superbug’ Shigella

A protein family found naturally in our cells could help stop the spread of dangerous drug…

Tale of two trees: New web tool estimates gene trees with ease

Scientists introduce ORTHOSCOPE, a new web-based tool capable of inferring gene function, estimating gene trees and…