NASA Invites Reporters to Events for LCROSS Impact

NASA is inviting journalists to events this week in Washington and California to observe the twin…

NASA Exploration Exhibit to Visit Emmett, Idaho

America’s plans for opening the space frontier, including new human exploration of Earth's moon and future…

NASA’s Shuttle Atlantis Moves to Launch Pad, Practice Liftoff Set

Reporters are invited to cover space shuttle Atlantis' move to the launch pad on Oct. 13…

NASA Invites Reporters to Events for LCROSS Lunar Impact

NASA is inviting journalists to events this week in Washington and California to observe the twin…

NASA Honors JFK with Moon Rock to be Displayed at Rice University

On the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing on the moon, NASA honored President John…

Gullies at the Edge of Hale Crater, Mars

This image from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter shows gullies near the edge of Hale crater on…

Commanders activate Cyber wing

Gen. C. Robert Kehler, commander of Air Force Space Command, and Maj. Gen. Richard Webber, commander…

New AFSPC Vice Commander: Focus is on greater capabilities, family, health

(R to L) Lt. Gen. Allen B. Peck, commander, Air University, Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala.,…

New AFSPC Vice Commander: Focus is on greater capabilities, family, health

Key spouse program provides families with support, community resources

The Key Spouse Program is an outreach effort of the Airman & Family Readiness Center and…