Satellite observations support latest IPCC climate report

Human-induced climate change is causing dangerous and widespread disruption in nature, affecting the lives of billions…

7,000-year-old grains hints at origin of Swiss pile dwellings

No place have researchers found more Neolithic pile dwellings than around the Alps. It is a…

Study of algae in Acadia National Park lakes shows recovery from acidification

Acadia National Park is known for its beautiful lakes—and they can tell scientists a lot about…

Multi-state study of monetary sanctions finds widespread inequities, far-reaching consequences

A five-year, eight-state study of monetary sanctions—the fines and fees people are sentenced to for everything…

Could tiny devices made out of DNA treat cancer?

One of the most promising avenues in treating cancer is to restore our immune system’s ability…

Tooth study prompts rethink of human evolution

A study into tooth wear in a group of wild Japanese macaques has significant implications for…

Study presents a taphonomic-forensic analysis of the skulls from the Sima de los Huesos site

Nohemi Sala, a researcher at the Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana (CENIEH), has…

New tech fights fall armyworm by letting offspring die

Scientists have developed a new technology that could control the devastating fall armyworm crop pest by…

Major political transformations can have an influence on employee wellbeing

Significant societal and political transitions, such as Brexit, can impact employee wellbeing—although not necessarily in the…

Getting to know local cops could reduce crime rates

Providing residents with information about their neighborhood police officers may reduce crime rates, suggests a Nature…