Trump again attacks Obama over Russia

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Donald Trump is again attacking his predecessor, suggesting he should have done…

Trump: Dems defended election integrity until they lost

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Donald Trump is again accusing his predecessor of not doing enough to…

Official: ‘Silver lining’ in hacker, foreign nation alliance

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Foreign governments that rely on the services of private criminal hackers leave their…

Can hack but not shoot? FBI may ease entry for cyber agents

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Aspiring federal agents who can hack a computer but can't shoot straight could…

“Hacker-for-hire” pleads guilty to Yahoo breach

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- A Canadian man pleaded guilty Tuesday to charges stemming from a massive…

Senator cites fee she says FBI paid for hacking tool

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Senate committee that oversees the…

Senator cites fee she says FBI paid for hacking tool

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Senate committee that oversees the…

Want to track cellphones? Get a warrant, lawmakers say

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) -- Law enforcement cellphone tracking devices are coming under scrutiny in several states,…