Global grazing lands increasingly vulnerable to a changing climate

A new study shows precipitation variability has increased significantly on 49 percent of the world's grazing…

Blood and urine tests developed to indicate autism in children

New blood and urine tests which search for damage to proteins could lead to earlier detection…

Flexible warped nanographene developed for bioimaging

An international team of scientists has developed a water-soluble "warped nanographene," a flexible molecule that is…

Spatial perception of odorants in cockroaches

A recent study has described the first neural architecture capable of encoding the spatial location of…

The starry sky shows nocturnal animals the way

Nocturnal animals can use the stars and the Milky Way to find their way during the…

D-galactose affects ageing male and female brains differently

A research study demonstrates in mice the biological relevance of sex in the effects of accelerated…

A Matter of Dynamics

Most ion channels are very selective about the ions, which may or may not pass through…

Dispersal of fish eggs by water birds – just a myth?

How do fish end up in isolated bodies of water when they can't swim there themselves?…

How the insulin receptor works

As we are approaching the 100th anniversary of the discovery of insulin, a wide array of…

Cellular recycling caught in the act

Researchers have observed a normal physiological process, called "self-eating", that cells use to recycle their components.…