Mystery of phytoplankton survival in nutrient-poor pacific

Upwelling in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean provides essential nutrients for the region’s microscopic plants, but…

Asthma medication linked to infertility in women

Women with asthma who only use short-acting asthma relievers take longer to become pregnant than other…

Did humans domesticate themselves?

Human ‘self-domestication’ is a hypothesis that states that among the driving forces of human evolution, humans…

Strategy in the blink of an eye

If a brief event in our surroundings is about to happen it is probably better not…

Male and female brain rhythms show differences

The electric brain signals, measured by using EEG, of males and females show differences. The difference…

Not being aware of memory problems predicts onset of Alzheimer’s disease

Doctors who work with individuals at risk of developing dementia have long suspected that patients who…

Infection outbreaks at hospitals could be reduced by copper-coated uniforms

Doctors, nurses and healthcare professionals could soon be wearing uniforms brushed with tiny copper nanoparticles to…

Short kids may have higher future stroke risk

Being a short kid is associated with increased risk of having a stroke in adulthood, according…

Maximizing the environmental benefits of autonomous vehicles

The added weight, electricity demand and aerodynamic drag of the sensors and computers used in autonomous…

Don’t blame hurricanes for most big storm surges in Northeast

Hurricanes spawn most of the largest storm surges in the northeastern US, right? Wrong, according to…