Wealth disparity and family income impact the brain development of female youth

Female teenagers living in neighborhoods with wide salary gaps and a low-income household show changes to…

Where do heart cells come from?

Scientists were surprised to discover that the four genes in the Id family play a crucial…

Satellite photos reveal gigantic outburst floods

Researchers have studied satellite photographs of Lake Catalina, an ice-dammed lake in East Greenland -- and…

People with autism spectrum disorder show neural responses of anxiety on seeing social touch

People with strong signs of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) show neural signs of anxiety when they…

Blue light emitted by screens damages our sleep, study suggests

The short-wavelength blue light, emitted by the screens we watch, damages the duration, and even more…

Suffering exam-result stress? Relieve the strain with one simple piece of advice

Adopting a ‘this too shall pass’ attitude and mentally projecting themselves into the future could help…

The brains of newborns distinguish between caresses

The ability to distinguish between different kinds of caresses on the skin already exists at a…

Female fish ‘more reluctant’ to change sex than males

Scientists in the UK have observed a fascinating new fact about sex changing fish: the direction…

Cell biology: Molecular volume control and perceiving mechanical stimuli

About two years ago, scientists discovered that a certain class of receptors is capable of perceiving…

Earth history: How continents were recycled

Researchers have used computer simulations to analyse how plate tectonics have evolved on Earth over the…