Methane hydrate is not a smoking gun in the Arctic Ocean

Methane hydrate under the ocean floor was assumed to be very sensitive to increasing ocean temperatures.…

Targeted forest regeneration: A blueprint for conserving tropical biological diversity?

Targeted forest regeneration among the largest and closest forest fragments in the Eastern Arc Mountains of…

Prey cannot evolve resistance to tiger snake venom

Australian tiger snakes have 'hit the jackpot' because prey cannot evolve resistance to their venom. While…

Personifying places can boost travel intentions

People who see animals as people and assign human traits to non-human objects are more likely…

Getting fat to ‘talk’ again could lower blood glucose and weight

Researchers are exploring a novel approach to treating diabetes: implanting a polymer sponge into fat tissue.…

Cyborg bacteria outperform plants when turning sunlight into useful compounds

Photosynthesis provides energy for the vast majority of life on Earth. But chlorophyll, the green pigment…

‘Coffee-ring effect’ harnessed to provide rapid, low-cost analysis of tap water

'What's in your water?' has become an increasingly fraught question for many people, and getting the…

Turning human waste into plastic, nutrients could aid long-distance space travel

Imagine you're on your way to Mars, and you lose a crucial tool during a spacewalk.…

Contact in sports may lead to differences in the brains of young, healthy athletes

People who play contact sports show changes to their brain structure and function, with sports that…

Growing number of people in Ontario treated for opioid addiction

The rate at which people are being prescribed opioids to treat pain in Ontario has stabilized…