Overcoming the last line of antibiotic resistance against bacterial infections

A recent study presents a comprehensive overview of S. aureus' remarkable resilience against our body's immune system…

Our brains do change from early to mid-adulthood

Scientists have been able to accurately estimate an individual's age from their brain structure. The researchers…

Biochemical ‘fingerprints’ reveal diabetes progression

Researchers describe a new method to study biochemical changes that occur in the pancreas during the…

Physicists resolve long-standing mystery of structure-less transition

Researchers probe a mysterious phase transition in an organic molecular conductor using synchrotron X-ray radiation.

Heating quantum matter: A novel view on topology

Certain quantities appear as integer multiples of fundamental and indivisible elements. This quantization of physical quantities…

Chronic stress induces fatal organ dysfunctions via a new neural circuit

New research reveals the mechanisms behind the effects of chronic stress and tiny inflammations in the…

‘Lost city’ used 500 years of soil erosion to benefit crop farming

Researchers working on a 700-year-old abandoned agricultural site in Tanzania have shown that soil erosion benefited…

Many young cancer patients do not receive adequate fertility information and support

All cancer patients of reproductive age should be provided with fertility information and referrals for fertility…

Helping robots correct errors on-the-fly and learn from each other

New stochastic separation theorems have demonstrated how mathematicians could enhance capabilities of artificial intelligence.

Newly developed nomograms provide accurate predictions for patients with oropharyngeal cancer

Researchers recently developed and validated a nomogram that can predict 2-year and 5-year overall survival (OS)…